ABOUT USWe Care About
Our Communities

Words From the Founder

Sylvester Mate

As the founder of Mate Foundation, my journey is driven by a deep love for our planet and a belief in collective action. I’m committed to fostering harmony between humanity and nature through sustainable practices. Every day, I’m inspired by the resilience of our community and the potential for positive change. Together, we’re building a brighter, more sustainable future. I love my community and I want to use my resources and networks to build an inclusive community where opportunity abounds.

Our Vision is to build and support systems that realise a world where communities achieve sustainable social justice, environmental stewardship, and economic empowerment through inclusive practices.
Our Mission is to enhance the quality of life in local communities by empowering them through outreach and education to develop and implement sustainable, home-grown solutions to their local challenges.


Our theory of change is rooted in our conviction that communities best understand their development challenges and should therefore be at the forefront of solving these issues. We see our role as providing strategic linkages, advocacy, and access, as well as capacity building, to strengthen communities’ abilities to address their challenges effectively.

Our programs are designed with sustainability in mind, aiming to develop interventions that enable the target population to continue deriving social and economic benefits well beyond the period of intervention.


Our Core Values

We continuously conduct extensive research to understand the challenges facing local communities and identify possible solutions.
We purposefully implement our programs in partnership with all relevant stakeholders, beneficiaries, and policymakers in our sectors.
We are dedicated to making a long-term impact in the communities we work with, both now and in the future.
We believe in upholding the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and reliability in all our actions and interactions, ensuring that we earn and maintain the trust of our stakeholders.
We maintain high levels of accountability to our donors, partners, and the communities we support. Our monitoring and evaluation processes are transparent and inclusive.

We prioritise initiatives that are designed to create a lasting impact, ensuring that our projects contribute to the well-being of communities for years to come and promote continuous, sustainable development.


Our Purpose

The Mate Foundation aims to transform the lives of communities by initiating and supporting projects that inform, empower, and enhance people’s dignity. We exist to strengthen the capacity of local communities to address issues related to education, the environment, climate change, and sustainable livelihoods.

Our inclusive model brings together ideas, people, and resources to tackle community challenges with the ultimate goal of improving livelihoods. Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, The Mate Foundation works to help all people lead decent and productive lives.

Our Objectives

To improve the livelihoods of local communities by enhancing their capacity to develop and implement homegrown solutions to local challenges through:

  • Promoting Education: To advance education among the local population through mentorship and various forms of support.
  • Supporting Environmental Conservation: To promote and support environmental conservation initiatives within local communities.
  • Combating Climate Change: To support initiatives aimed at combating and mitigating the impact of climate change in local communities.
  • Economic Empowerment: To economically empower the local population by supporting the growth of eco-friendly enterprises.
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"We invite you to support our work, and be part of our journey of change today."

Sylvester Mate


We are always looking for community outreach volunteers to support our work on the ground and help      progress the initiatives we are implementing.

Connect with us
+254 703 223767
+254 700 728825
+254 111 485851
+254 722 598733

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